Monday, September 8, 2008

Gravity Powered Rail, Road and Runways transportation systems

Gravity Power is the new source of energy for transportation sector, which causes paradigm shift to have Green travel option at lowered costs improving quality of human life at reducing costs!

A patent application filed in USA titled "Gravity Powered Rail, Road and Runways Transportation systems" US Patent Application no: 12184151 dt. 07/31/08 and PCT filed with IB/ WIPO Application Number: PCT/IB2008/053392 Inventors: Rajaram Bojji & Ananda Krishna Bojji VA USA
Date of Receipt: 24 August 2008 Receiving Office: International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization

Gravity Power Tower is the means which provides gravity power as prime motive power and recovers back energy given except for hysteresis losses due to resistance - which it makes up through external energy source like electricity.
Practically 70% of energy is gravity generated and 30% taken from electrical source.

Gravity power is free from generation and distribution costs and there are no recurring periodic charges for consumption of gravity energy.

Energy charges will drop to 30% of current levels when one adopts Gravity Power Towers.

The Gravity Powered Rail will have:

1. No locomotives nor traction motors on rolling stock nor any current collection systems like pantographs and catenary or third rail; so no recurring costs of repairs and maintenance of the motive power units.
2. Only a flywheel storage for emergency use on the rolling stock unit, which also gets charged by Gravity Power Tower which through high speed power transmission cable accelerates/ sustains/ decelerates the rolling unit
3. There are no drivers nor visible signals- energy levels control the speed profiles and built in intelligence makes the entire transportation automatic.
4. Speeds of 360 kmph for fast intercity travel, or urban transport at peak 80kmph with stops at 1km, or freight movement at 120 kmph carrying 72 million tonnes per annum - handled by the Gravity Powered Rail.
5.Existing conventional rail can be converted into Gravity Powered Rail and one can have new advanced urban rail transport in sub-way, surface or elevated in cities as desired,

The Gravity Powered Road will have:

1.The cars have no conventional IC engines- replaced by flywheel storage and a battery pack with an electromagnet fitted power arm.
2.The Gravity Powered Road will have sped denominated road lanes, 30,70,100 kmph or as desired .
3.The car driver starts with battery pack and after reaching the low speed lane switches on the electromagnet, which gets coupled with the power transmission cable running in the middle of the lane, and provides tractive force energising the flywheel and battery pack too. The driver can shift to the speed lane he desires by decoupling from one lane and move to the next lane accelerating for this purpose using the flywheel energy, and again couples with that lane's power transmission cable.
4. Finally he gets out of the lane to go to parking lot using his stored energy from flywheel and battery pack.
5. In this case recovery of energy by the Gravity Power Towers is minimal and the only advantage is that inefficient working of IC engines within city roads and resulting pollution is avoided, with gravity power as well as even on highways, the use of oil is avoided using gravity power. The Gravity Towers will have to recover using electrical energy during off peak load periods.

The Gravity Powered Runways :

1. There is a mid strip on the runway as well as on taxiways with power transmission cable embedded with steel coupling plates running.
2. The aircraft has special extended arm with an electromagnet which can coupe or decouple as pilot orders, using which the plane reaches the head of the runway.
3. Once in position and Pilot gives a go ahead, and switches on his electromagnet coupling,
4.While landing the process gets reversed, transferring the energy to Gravity Power Tower.

Self-governing intelligence:

Gravity Power Tower Controller, Power Mass module controller , Rolling stock controller, High Speed Power Transmission cable are all microprocessor based intelligent inter-communicating embedded systems which coordinate the various activities and their timings once the go ahead is given.

B. Rajaram M.Tech., FIE.,FNAE
Inventor Anti-collision/ Skybus Technologies, Former MD Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd.,
Member ITER-India Board Dept Atomic Energy Govt.of India
In USA 1 703 796 0225 Mobile 1 571 721 8791
Res: 834 Spring Knoll Dr HERNDON VA 20170 USA
Einstein said, "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
DIRECTOR Atri Knowledge Embedded Infrastructure Lab.(P) Ltd., Flat 205, 2-2-15 , B9, D.D. Colony Hyderabad 500007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of gravity to store energy, my favored system might be an Armstrong Hydraulic tower with a weighted piston. The initial energy provided by wind powered pumps pumping water pressure into the accumulator whenever the wind was blowing.

Variable pump output matching the pump load to the wind turbine is possible by a swashplate being used to increase pump capacity as with wind velocity increases. Google Armstrongs swing bridge for a 200 year old example of the power available.


Brin Jenkins